In a recent incident in Lagos State, a 20-year-old suspected armed robber named Gafar Odusoya was apprehended after a woman allegedly employed a clever tactic to trap him during a robbery operation involving his gang members.
According to reports, the incident occurred on June 17, 2023, in the early hours of the morning at Berebere Street in the Isale-Oja area of Agege, Lagos, where the woman resided.
The armed men forcefully entered the woman’s apartment and proceeded to rob her of various items, including a gold necklace, valuable jewelry, and ATM cards, which they used to forcefully withdraw money from her account.
While the other members of the gang were making their escape, Odusoya decided to stay behind and engaged in non-consensual sexual activity with the woman. However, the woman cleverly prolonged the encounter and pretended to enjoy it.
During this time, the woman’s neighbors became aware of the situation, entered her apartment, apprehended Odusoya, and handed him over to the local police for interrogation regarding his alleged criminal actions.
During the subsequent investigation, it was discovered that he had accompanied his gang to the location with the intention of committing a robbery before engaging in the appalling act of rape.
As a result, Odusoya was charged with conspiracy, armed robbery, and rape before the Ogba Magistrate Court. However, he did not enter a plea as the prosecutor, DSP Clara Olagbayi, requested that the court refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal advice.
The presiding Magistrate, Mrs. H.B. Mogaji, ordered that Odusoya be remanded in custody until the DPP provides their advice. The prosecutor was directed to prepare the case file and forward it to the DPP.
The court adjourned the matter for mention while Odusoya was remanded at the Kirikiri town Correctional Centre in Lagos pending the DPP’s advice, which will determine whether the case will be transferred to the High Court based on jurisdiction.