Renowned Nigerian singer, Simi Kosoko, recently recounted an encounter she had at a passport office in Lagos. Taking to her Instagram page, the wife of Adekunle Gold shared a video detailing how she almost faced entry denial based on her attire.
Simi disclosed that she was instructed to go back home and change her outfit before being allowed inside. Even her celebrity status couldn’t sway the officials, who remained firm regarding the dress code.
During the incident, Simi was even required to remove her nosering and earrings. Expressing her frustration, she wrote, “I went to the passport office to get my passport done and when I reached the gate, they said I should go back because I am indecently dressed.”
She continued, challenging the official by asking if there was anything indecent about her appearance. Despite the official’s admission that he couldn’t see anything indecent, Simi was still instructed to change into something more conservative.
This incident echoes a similar experience faced by rising singer Ayra Starr earlier this year. Ayra, in a viral video, shared her own embarrassing encounter at a Nigerian passport office, where she was asked to remove her eyelashes before being attended to.
As these incidents shed light on the challenges faced by individuals in dealing with passport offices, it is worth noting that actor Bolanle Ninalowo had a more positive experience when visiting the Immigration office in Lagos. Ninalowo expressed delight at the warm welcome he received, with immigration officers taking him on a tour, capturing pictures and videos, and ensuring he felt comfortable throughout his visit.