Tension rose in Bichi Local Government Area of Kano State on Friday as police blocked the gates of the Bichi Emir’s palace ahead of the arrival of a newly appointed district head. Witnesses reported that security personnel also instructed village and ward heads, who had gathered to welcome the new royal father, to leave the palace premises.
Amid the unfolding situation, Alhaji Hamza Mai Fata, Chairman of Bichi Local Government Council, urged calm and called on residents to remain peaceful and law-abiding. In a statement issued by the local government’s Information Officer, Tasiu Jibo Dawanau, it was announced that the gathering initially scheduled by the Kano Emirate would be postponed.
The reason behind the police blockade and the rescheduling of the event remains unclear, with no official statements from the Kano Emirate or law enforcement authorities.
In a related incident, security operatives also blocked the palace of Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II, preventing him from attending a royal ceremony in Bichi, where he was scheduled to preside over the presentation of a staff of office to the new district head. The situation has added to growing concerns in the region.