    HomeAviationAviationNigeria's Defense Chief Advocates for Involvement of Army Generals in Politics

    Nigeria’s Defense Chief Advocates for Involvement of Army Generals in Politics

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    By Milcah Tanimu

    The Chief of Defence Staff, Christopher Musa, has expressed his intention to increase the participation of retired armed forces officers in governance, emphasizing their valuable experiences and contributions to the nation.

    Speaking to journalists in Kaduna after a pulling-out dinner organized by the Infantry Corps to honor retired infantry generals, Mr. Musa highlighted the need for retired generals, who possess extensive training at operational and strategic levels, to play a role in governance. He emphasized that their wealth of knowledge and expertise should not be overlooked, as they can offer significant insights to benefit the nation.

    Mr. Musa emphasized the significant investment the nation has made in training these retired generals, stressing the importance of utilizing their skills and capabilities for national development.

    Highlighting the long and distinguished service of some retired generals, some of whom served the Nigerian Army for over 35 years, Mr. Musa underscored the wealth of experience they have accumulated over the years. He reiterated the importance of their continued involvement in contributing to the nation’s progress.

    In conclusion, the Defense Chief emphasized the strength, capability, and readiness of these retired generals, affirming the nation’s need for their continued contributions to national development.

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