A social media user with the handle @LifeOfNapaul has accused police officers in Rivers State of extorting N40,000 from him and three other individuals. The victim took to Twitter on Sunday evening to narrate the incident, stating that while traveling in a public vehicle to Port Harcourt, the policemen stopped the vehicle and conducted a search on him and the other passengers without finding anything incriminating.
According to the victim, the officers then demanded N50,000 from them, and after negotiation, they paid N10,000 each before being allowed to continue their journey. The victim expressed frustration and exhaustion, mentioning a previous incident where he was taken to the police station due to owning an iPhone.
In response to the allegations, the Rivers State Police Command, through their Twitter handle @RiversPoliceNG, condemned the actions of the officers. The Commissioner of Police, Nwonyi Emeka, was said to have a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior. The police assured the victim that the officer involved would be identified and face disciplinary measures, with the money extorted being refunded.
The victim also attached a photo of one of the policemen allegedly involved in the extortion to his post. The investigation into the incident aims to bring accountability and prevent such misconduct in the future.