According to reports, the airstrike on the Tungar Kara hamlet, which is located in the Gidan Goga region of the Maradun Local Government Area in Zamfara State, on Saturday night accidentally killed at least 16 people by striking civilians, local vigilantes, and members of the Zamfara hamlet Protection Guard (ZCPG).
According to Maharazu Salisu Gado Faru, a legislator from the Zamfara State House of Assembly who represents the Maradun II Constituency, the airstrike was an accident that hit local vigilantes who organized to fight the robbers. Faru corroborated the claim.
In a statement released on Sunday, NAF spokesperson AVM Akinboyewa denied the incident, saying, “We take every precaution to prevent harm to civilians during operations.” It’s possible that the reports are terrorist propaganda meant to sabotage military achievements.
Akinboyewa emphasized that there is no reliable information to substantiate assertions of civilian casualties, even as he confirmed that an inquiry is being conducted to determine the veracity of these accusations.
“No civilian casualties have been confirmed at this time, and our operations are guided by reliable intelligence from multiple verifiable sources,” he continued.
In a statement, NAF said, “NAF Investigates Vigilante Casualty Reports, Conducts Decisive Air Strikes in Zamfara.”
The statement emphasized NAF’s dedication to civilian safety and security by outlining how recent strikes in Tungar Kara successfully killed bandits and freed abduction victims.